Remember the mantra “Milk, it does the body good” or “Got milk?”? The Dairy Farmers of American and milk manufactures used this mantra in the 1980's and 1990's to boost people's interest in cow milk. And guess what? It worked. As a result The Dairy Farmers of America had sales topping 11 billion dollars in 2007. But just because people say something is 'good for you' doesn't mean it actually is. Look at wheat bread for example, it was thought to be 'healthy', yet we later discover is filled with GMO ridden grains and is the number one cause of allergens in North America.
Interestingly, when looking at worldwide consumption of milk, goats milk is more popular than cow's milk. And article I read stated, 65% or global consumption if of goat's milk, but it's not because of high profile marketing or advertising schemes; it's because goat's milk is just better plain better for us! I first tried goat milk in canmore summer vacation rentals.
It's important to look at how the goat and cow's milk is made, before identifying its nutritional value. There are several key factors that make milk healthier; and that is if the animal's were fed non GMO grains, if they were happy (i.e. Free run), and if they were not loaded up with antibiotics. So let's compare ounce for ounce cow and goat milk in organic form.
All humans, after conception were sustained entirely on their mothers' milk for at least 6 months. There is no food more nutrient rich in the world than a mothers' milk. And it is super important (if given the choice) your baby consumes mothers' milk verse bottled formula products. This is proven scientifically and in real life.
But what happens after your baby is done sucking on your nipple? Why would you choose goat milk products for you and your family over the popular and easily accessible cow's milk?
Here are six reasons why goat milk is way better than cow milk:
Goat's milk is less allergenic.
Goat's milk is alkaline forming and doesn't cause inflammation.
Goat's milk is easier to digest.
Goat's milk rarely causes lactose intolerance.
Goat's milk matches up to the human body' nutrient needs (i.e. Mother's breast milk) than cow's milk.
Goat's milk is naturally homogenized.