There is a revolutionary new product on the market to help those with Diabetes to keep their condition under control. It is sad that a disease that is so controllable has hurt the lives of so many, but the makers of the Dario glucose monitoring system recognize that you can't put your busy life on hold.
They have produced this product to help you manage your diabetes on the go. Read on to learn more. Part of the problem for Diabetes patients is that it can be tough to keep accurate records of blood sugar levels. One time you check at home, the next time you are at work or school, and perhaps another time you are out at a restaurant.
This is where a mobile glucose meter comes into play. You can always have it with you. Of course, there are plenty of glucose meters that you can carry with you. So what makes the Dario so special? The difference is that it connects to a smartphone application. You can use the product whether you have an iPhone, iPad, or an android device. Does your doctor want to see how your blood sugar has been over a period of time? No problem. You have it saved on your phone. Not sure if you took your blood sugar level this morning? Get out your phone, and see if you have a level recorded today yet.
The tiny glucometer is easy to keep on you at all times. Since you already bring your cell phone everywhere, you are always good to go. You never have to worry about running out of strips. The device hold 25 for you, so you will always have one when you need it. Connecting the meter to your phone is simple. Plus, it auto syncs to your app in case you've checked your glucose level a few times since you last had your phone on you.
The device used to lance your finger is of a state of the art thinness to make the process as comfortable as possible for you. The app has an easy to use interface and shows you glucose level in large, bright numbers, so there are no misreadings. We live in a mobile age. It's time for your glucose monitoring system to catch up with the times. The Dario is what you need to control your condition rather than letting it control your life.