Facial oily skin is a very big problem as it leads to acne, pimples and blemishes. While, the oil helps us in fighting signs of ageing and protects the skin, too much of it can be difficult to handle.
Oily skin is a problem that everyone from teenagers to adults have, but thankfully there are quite a few ways to help combat it.
Firstly, not using harsh creams and soaps on your face and not applying too much makeup can help avoid oily skin. Using only clean towels and tissues on the face and not washing your face excessively is also a good idea.
If you already have facial oily skin, here are the best remedies.
Have a skin care regimen
Ensure that you cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin as a daily skincare regimen. Cleanse your face with a gentle, pH-balanced cleanser that contains salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid or beta-hydroxy acid in it. Use a toner that doesn’t have alcohol or acetone, and only apply it on the oily parts of the facial skin. Oily skin needs to be kept dehydrated and using a natural face moisturizer will help the skin stay healthy. The best moisturizer for oily skin would be one that is light and oil-free.
Use a facemask
Facemasks that are clay-based are great in clearing out the pores and drawing out dirt and oil, in turn reducing oiliness. But make sure not to overuse them as they may also dry out the skin too much. Using the facemask once a week is recommended.
Home remedies
Many home remedies have been effective in reducing facial oily skin, and they are also not expensive to do. Lemon juice, yogurt, aloe vera, egg whites, tomatoes, apples are all products found easily in the kitchen and can be safely applied to the face without the risk of an adverse reaction.
Medical treatments
Visiting a dermatologist in sever cases is wise as they can present you with a number of effective treatments. Most commonly used are prescription-strength topical treatments that contain adapalene, tretinoin or tazarotene, which help reduce the pore size and subsequently oil production. A prescription oral medication called Accutane can also be taken to shrink the oil glands and stopp sebum production. Laser treatments and a chemical peel can also be helpful, when other treatments don’t work well.